Make A Wish With Daisies And Buttercups

20. May 2016

He loves me, he loves me not – make a wish with dandelions and find your true love with daisies.

A short rhyme young children chant when pulling petals off daisies is, He loves me, he loves me not until all petals are gone and dandelions become light fluffy flower heads we all like to pick and blow into the air and make a wish. It is a bittersweet saying, a moment for young people searching for love should find a big beautiful field filled with buttercups, daises and dandelions in full bloom to sing the rhyme, pick the petals, blow softly and make a wish.


This rhyme came to mind as I passed a field today on my walking route through the beautiful trails that meander through our property, passing by also a herd of sheep with their baby lambs just waking up from the break of dawn, it’s 06:10am and I am 40 minutes into my 1 hour walk, life is beautiful so early in the countryside.


Walking is great physically, mentally and spiritually. It clears the mind and also gives space for different thoughts that may not surface during the usual hectic pace of daily life.

Today I am walking for a good reason . You may recall my recent blog on the Bocuse d Or and the challenge I took to reach my goal weight of 62kg. It is still on until a June 9th weigh in.
I am just 1 meter 70 high and never been a petit person; however, I do have curves in the right places if you don’t mind me saying, yet I am taking this opportunity to tone up and shed a few kilos. Those of you that specialize in weight and sport management understand the desire to be fit and stay fit, which many people struggle actually achieving.

I am so looking forward to our new personal trainer to start so I can have close and constant support to stay on track. Speed walking is one of my strategies to be fit that is easy and requires very little. It is a beautiful day for a good long walk on our grounds in Schwarzenbach. The fields are alive with a multitude of pastel colors filled to the brim, resembling a sea of beautiful spring flowers ranging from purple and blue on the edges of the forest pathway to the white and yellow daisies and buttercups bouncing in the light breeze across the way.


This is 1 one of many trails in this region, which are perfect to do in less than an hour round trip burning enough energy to break a sweat and to make you feel good in the body and ready to start the day. These beautiful meadows are the backdrop of my garden, and while I love all the seasons, though I am especially fond of spring, the new blooms symbolize new beginnings with a little “wild” in the air.

Everyone deals with their “wild” in spring differently. Some do the traditional spring cleaning, determined to rid themselves of the old, while others buy new clothes, and some go for a complete identity change and dye their hair. Whatever the ” wild” in you, I encourage you to keep it up, it is healthy to want change and shake up the marbles a bit. My change is not much this year, and typically never is as I am happy on the inside and out; however, I am working to be a bit more fit and in better condition. Being in nature and reflecting is a great byproduct of this goal, enjoying the “wild” of nature as I burn calories traversing beautiful trails and reminiscing about rhymes, love, and hopes for the future. That is my spring “wild” – what is yours?




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About me

I am Yvonne Christensen, an entrepreneur, mother of five daughters (yes, five!), wife, carer, photographer, and world traveler. I was born in the United Kingdom, however, my roots lie in Nigeria, where both of my parents were born. I have lived in several countries apart from the UK, including Germany, Denmark, and most recently, Switzerland.

I often think of myself as a nomad, roaming and learning as I travel around the globe. My children have been the center of my life, however, now that they are living their adult lives, I have decided it is time for me to explore and share my adventures with all of you who have common interests and passions through my blog — YSC Life.